Innovative Kiwoom finally took out Son Hyun-ki's starting card

Innovative Kiwoom finally took out Son Hyun-ki's starting card

This season, he takes a step further. He made history by participating in the opening game with as many as four new high school graduates (Lee Jae-sang, Son Hyun-ki, Kim Yeon-ju, and Jeon Joon-pyo). And among them, he predicted that Son, who shows the most potential, will be the starting pitcher on April 9. It is a bold choice for Kiwoom to make.

Son allowed one run and a 1.50 ERA in six innings this season. Although he allowed one homerun, it is not that important. Above all, Son's strength this season is that he has only two walks.

Son's turn plunged due to anxiety over his ball control in high school. If not, he would have made it to the first round easily. That's because he is a "left-hander" pitcher with a huge RBI at 188 centimeters and good curves and sliders. This value of a left-hander is gold. The fact that such a player went down to No. 6 in the second round shows how serious a slump Son fell into.

After joining the Kiwoom Heroes, however, Son completely changed his mind. The ball speed of the four-seam has soared to 148 kilometers, and the four-seam does not deviate significantly even if he does not relax and throw. The angle of the curveball and slider that fall at 188 centimeters is good. The average number of pitches he throws is less than 15. It is ideal enough. Son had been considered a starting player since his nomination. There are only two reasons.

Basically, Son is a player who can throw balls lightly. As he is a player who throws balls lighter than wild pitches that make the most of his body, he is more advantageous to throw many balls.

Second, he likes breaking balls. Most of the players who start professional careers show limitations in breaking balls, but Son was particularly strong in breaking balls during high school years.

The third is that he is a tall, left-handed pitcher. Son is a player who shows strength in RBIs rather than extensions. Even if the speed drops a little in the middle and second half of the game, it is relatively easy to deal with batters if the RBI is high.

However, it is widely believed that players with low RBIs are more likely to get hit when their speed drops. Kiwoom also sees more potential as a starter as it knows Son's strengths.

In fact, it is not a big risk even if you can't throw. It is not a big damage for Kiwoom because it has lost one game after seven consecutive wins. For Kiwoom, Son Hyun-ki has been put into the 'most burdensome game' in the 'best atmosphere'. If he throws good pitching, Kiwoom will have a huge future. So far, Kiwoom and Son Hyun-ki are the best. Son simultaneously resolved the issue of speedup + control, which is said to be difficult to fix easily in a short time. In other words, it is a good match for the team.

Just showing the possibility is enough. Will the Kium Heroes be able to gain another future through this game.

If he throws well in the starting lineup on the day, chances are high that the entire professional baseball team will pay attention to Son. As a candidate for the Rookie of the Year award in 2024 season.

BY: 토토사이트