Only in the first inning, three doubles and a bang monster Sasaki allowed four runs on four walks in four innings, worst

Only in the first inning, three doubles and a bang monster Sasaki allowed four runs on four walks in four innings, worst

Sasaki took the mound as a starting pitcher in an exhibition game against the Rakuten Golden Eagles at Jojo Marine Stadium in Chiba Prefecture on the 17th.

In his second exhibition game, he pitched 88 pitches during four innings, allowing six hits, four walks, four strikeouts, and four runs, to become a losing pitcher. In the first inning alone, he allowed four runs while getting four hits.

Sasaki gave up a hit to the center field to cleanup hitter Eigoro Mochi in the first inning, and allowed Hiroto Kobukata to hit a double over the middle of the first inning. He then gave up a walk, putting the bases loaded with no outs.

He allowed Asamura Aito to score the first run by catching an out at second base with a ground ball to the shortstop. A wild pitch came out from the first and third bases with one out, making it second and third. He gave up two more runs on the right double.

Trailing 0-3 with runners on the second base, he hit a fly ball to right field to secure two outs. However, he gave up the fourth run on a double to right field to Suzuki Daichi. He struggled to finish the first inning with an infield fly ball with runners on the second base with two outs.

In the second inning, he caught the leadoff hitter out with an outfield fly ball, and allowed consecutive walks to Ogi and Kobukata, the table setter. He came from the first and second bases with one out, and struck out Yuya swinging for the first time on the day. He blocked Asamura with a grounder to the shortstop without losing a point.

He had two hits again in the third inning, but managed to overcome the crisis by striking out the batter. He had a medium-field hit, a strikeout, and a fly ball to the outfield by the leadoff batter, and secured two outs, and was given a left-field hit by Ota. With two outs and a runner on the first base, he swung and missed with a forkball, and ended the game without losing a point.

In the fourth inning, Mochi struck out and Kobukata walked. He finished the inning with a grounder to the second base and a fly ball to the right field with one out and a runner to the first base.

Sasaki recorded four hits, five strikeouts, two walks, and one scoreless run in three innings in an exhibition game against Softbank on the 10th, but suffered a difficulty in ball control due to strong winds.

BY: 토토